The BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC) was founded in 1988 and is the professional association that represents Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC) in our province. What does this mean for members of the public? It means that if you receive counselling services from an RCC, you can have confidence in their experience and qualifications – that they have met the highest standards of their profession. Today, we represent over 4,100 Registered Clinical Counsellors across BC. Link: https://bc-counsellors.org/

The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association is a national bilingual association of professionally trained counsellors engaged in the helping professions. CCPA’s members work in many diverse fields of education, employment and career development, social work, business, industry, mental health, public service agencies, government and private practice. Since 1965, the Association has been providing leadership and promotion to the counselling profession. CCPA has several Chapters, which represent specialized interest groups in counselling. CCPA develops and cultivates formal and informal relationships with similar health and mental health organizations in Canada and internationally. Link: https://www.ccpa-accp.ca/

The American Board of Sexology provides certifications for professionals in the field of Sexology by way of a peer review Board. The peer review Board consists of licensed professionals, doctors, scientist, and educators in the field of Sexology, where each member brings a specialty as a member. Specialties included are in the fields of clinical sex therapy, clinical psychology, medical physicians, family therapy, holistic practitioners, educational professors, teachers, private institution educators, trainers in sexology, and researchers in the field. Link: https://americanboardofsexology.org

The trusted provider of Professional Certifications since 2009, Evergreen Certifications is a non-profit organization committed to Certifying Behavioral Health, Healthcare, Allied Health and Education professionals. Evergreen Certifications partners with leading knowledge experts to develop and uphold Certification standards that are rigorous and respected, but also accessible and affordable. Link: https://www.evergreencertifications.com

The FNHA is also a champion of culturally safe practices throughout the broader health care system. Taking a leadership role, the FNHA actively works with its health partners to embed cultural safety and humility into health service delivery and improve health outcomes for First Nations people. Link: https://www.fnha.ca/

The Vancouver Island Men’s Therapy Counselling Society (Men’s Therapy Centre) was formed in September 2003 in response to the closing of the Victoria branch of the BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse (BCSMSSA). The Men’s Therapy Centre provides support and/or counselling services to over two hundred masculine-identified persons and their family members each year. The Men’s Therapy Centre is becoming increasingly busy and we now run a wide range of therapy programs, educational outreach and advocacy service, as well as providing vital support during the criminal justice process from initial reporting through to trial. We are here to support to any man*: cis, gay, bi-sexual, trans, non-binary, 2spirit, queer, gender fluid+, who has experienced emotional, physical or sexual trauma in childhood or as an adult. When you survive a trauma or childhood abuse, it can affect every aspect of your life; work, relationships and your health. Many men carry on in silence but there is help here for you. For over 10 years we have been working with men who have experienced trauma and we are here to listen! Link: http://www.menstrauma.com/

Founded in 1943, we connect nearly one in 10 Canadians with the care they need. We empower them to manage their health by forming strategic partnerships and investing in new health care technologies and innovations that ensure faster, easier access to quality care and outstanding plan value.
Together with Medavie Health Services, a leader in primary health care solutions and the largest contracted provider of emergency management services in Canada, we are part of Medavie, a national health solutions partner committed to improving the wellbeing of Canadians. https://www.medaviebc.ca/en

Counsellors are expected to assess patients and determine their treatment plans in accordance with the guidelines and practice standards of their association. When treating a patient with an injury listed in sections 3 or 4 of the Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols in the Minor Injury Regulation made under the Insurance (Vehicle) Act, a health care practitioner must educate the patient with respect to the following:
(1) (a) if applicable, the desirability of an early return: (a). to the activities the patient could perform before the injury, or (b). to the patient’s employment, occupation or profession or the patient’s training or education in a program or course; (b) an estimate of the probable length of time that symptoms will last; (c) the usual course of recovery; (d) the probable factors that are responsible for the symptoms the patient may be experiencing; (e) appropriate self-management and pain management strategies. (2) When treating a pain syndrome and a psychological or psychiatric condition, a health care practitioner must identify comorbid conditions, if applicable. Link: https://www.icbc.com
Former Employment: Lookout Housing and Health Society; Mood Disorders Association of BC; The Harbour Safe Consumption Services; Victoria Cool Aid Society; Vancouver Island Health Authority – USTAT